_All the shortcomings of filament based halogen bulbs probably led to the invention of HID lights. The HID lights literally offer a better deal in every way vis-a-vis halogen lights.  The outright popular demand of HID xenon kit among automobile owners is a clear indication that everyone is finding cheap HID kits value for money and more worth it than standard car headlights. 

Why do HID lights score over Halogen lights?

To begin with, HID lights do not contain filament, unlike halogen bulbs that emit light when the filament inside them heats up. HID lights contain Xenon and other noble gases that produce light at least 3 times brighter than halogen bulbs. Further, an HID Xenon kit, once installed, offers 300 times more light than a standard car headlight. It means the HID bulbs tend to last up to 10 years. The kit comes as cent percent plug and play, which means you do not have to make any modifications to the car before installing it.

The kit is easy to install and you can do it on your own, without any guidance or expertise. Moreover, the cheap HID kits come in various colours and numerous HID light models. Once installed, these lights promise to render your vehicle more swanky and noticeable than otherwise. At last but never the least, a car with HID lights is much safer to drive at night, since these are much brighter and cover more road.

 A word of caution

While installing HID lights, you should wear hand gloves to avoid direct contact of skin with the bulb.  The oil present in human skin tends to heat up the bulb and cause damage.
shane slonaker
9/13/2013 10:55:17 am

What does it mean when my hids make a buzzing noise and do not turn on ? Thanks shane.


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