The High Intensity Discharge or HID light kits have come as a boon for motorists. These work on the principle of high intensity discharge occurring between two tungsten electrodes immersed in a medium of Xenon or similar noble gases. The resulting light is intense and the phenomenon is similar to that of lightning. While daylight operates with a color temperature of around 4300k, the HID light kits have a color temperature of between 4300k and 6000k. This is a phenomenal improvement over standard halogen light that operates with a low color temperature of only 2300k. HID bulbs are three times brighter and also consume 35% less electricity while lasting on an average for up to ten years and 3000 hours of use. Therefore, more and more motorists are switching over to HID kits for the total safety they offer.
Today there are HID conversion kits for virtually every model and brand of car. All you need to do to find the kit equivalent for your car is to check up the bulb guide. These kits come with a warranty too. The warranty can be for a year, two years or for a lifetime as well depending upon your choice.

The HID conversion kits do not need any splicing for their installation. Therefore, you will find your kit simple to install. However, there is a video kit available to help you with the installation process should you require it. Each kit consists of two HID bulbs, two ballasts and two brackets for the ballasts. The package also includes a certificate of warranty and instructions for the installation. These kits will be dispatched from within the country. You will therefore receive your package within a couple of days.

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